



As mentioned in our ‘Name The Puffin’ post on Saturday 30th March, we told you we had another new business development to announce which was ‘Puffin’ related and here we have it, we’re sure you all agree that anything puffin related is simply adorable.
These Puffin Windmill Kits will be added to our already existing FREE Eco-Friendly activity packs which are handed out to each young sailor that joins our Noss Boat Tours. They will be presented in ‘Eco-Friendly’ gift bags with our Original, business branded logo.
The Kits are 100% eco-friendly, children can show of their building skills as they assemble their very own windmill. Once assembled kids can enjoy painting and decorating to their own liking from their very own craft stash, they can let their imaginations run wild…paint, design, create and admire. Once completed they can place them in the garden and watch their wings rotate in the breeze, just like a real bird! Along with our grandchildren’s Easter Eggs sent last weekend, we sent them each a windmill so they could put them to the test and look forward to hearing how they got on.
We hope this new addition blows them away (pardon the pun). We will be curious to know what their finished design looks like, so with the permission of their parents/guardian we will be asking if they can send us photos to share on our social media pages…exciting!
Speaking of puffins, we will be announcing the winner of our ‘Name The Puffin’ competition on Monday 15th April. Therefore, you still have time to enter to win a fantastic prize…A FREE trip for one adult and one under 16 on any of our scheduled 5-Star, Noss Boat Tours. We have loved reading all the entries to date, some very amusing and we wish you all the best of luck. Once our puffin has been named, he/she will be added to our ‘meet the crew’ section on the website, as our mascot of course.
Keep a good sharp lookout for our future announcement about other local sponsorship agreements as well as further news reflecting that we have our hearts in what we do.
Let us tell you more about Baker Ross who is our stockist for this amazing creation.  Great to be onboard and work in collaboration with them, one family run business supporting another.   
Baker Ross was founded over 50 years ago.  In that time a lot has changed -from the range of products they offer to how their customers buy from them (the internet wasn’t even invented back then). 
Reassuringly though, there are quite a few things that haven’t changed a bit.  They are still the same caring, family run business with a passion for helping children’s development with fun and innovative products.  Just like our own family run business, their passion extends to giving their customers outstanding value for money, and customer service that’s second to none. 
Baker Ross are proud supporters of ChildLine and Young Lives vs Cancer.  They offer financial support to their charity partners, so for every windmill purchase from them, we too are helping support their vital work.  
Like our own business they are committed to working responsibly, ethically and sustainably.  By working with responsible partners, they are kind and conscious to the planet.  Customers can trust that their craft kids are made using FSC certified materials and sustainably sourced.  

Name The Puffin – Win A Free Trip For One Adult & One Under 16 – 30.04.2024


In our post dated 28th March, we mentioned that we had a new addition to the business to announce, well this is not it but we are going to share that news before too long and it is ‘puffin’ related. There is other exciting developments to share so watch this space folks.
Brian was gifted last year, a belated present for a big birthday but I won’t say what age, ha. This beautiful stuffed puffin was made by one of our many returning customers who joins us ever year for a few trips during her stay along with her husband. They had booked a few tours with us last year and had planned to present it to him personally but unfortunately had to cancel their trip due to personal circumstances.
Thanks again and you know who you are – we both love our new addition, but we need your help in giving our puffin a name. We are going to run it as a competition and whoever comes up with the best name will win a FREE trip for one adult and one under 16, onboard The Noss Boat ‘Seabird’. Time to get your sailor thinking caps on!
If you would like to enter, please be sure to give our puffin post a like, comment below with your chosen name and we will announce the lucky lucky winner on Monday 15th April. If the winning name we decide on is listed more than once, it will go in the captain’s hat for a draw, fairest way!
Good luck – we can’t wait to see what names appear, this is going to be FUN FUN FUN!!!
Once the winning name is announced – Puffin ? will be added to our ‘Meet The CrewlMascot’ section of our website.
Our newest recruit is in for a lot of love & affection ❤️
Seabirds-and-Seals - The Original Noss Boat Tours

New Local Partnership – LHD Custom Clothing 28.03.2024


We are committed to becoming more sustainable as we know this is the future, with increasing numbers of visitors looking for businesses that are playing their part in sustainability practices.  Our good practices, which we have in place both at home and in the business, gained us our Green Tourism ‘Gold’ award this year.   We have our published ‘Environmental & Sustainability’ policy available on the dedicated ‘Green Tourism’ page on our website.  We created this page and the policy to give viewers insight to our sustainability practices. 

We always try to support local where we can and for years now we have worked in partnership with many local businesses, organisations, charities and fundraising events which we speak about regularly here on social media.  We are great believers in sourcing everything we need for the business locally where we can.  Let us tell you more about one of two new partnerships assisting us on our green journey to become a more sustainable business.  Our second new partnership will follow in the days ahead as well as another new addition to the business.

As our business involves the great Shetland outdoors, we need to keep warm and cozy during our busy season and as part of our green journey to becoming a more sustainable business, we have ensured that our full crew kit clothing range for the 2024 season and beyond is as sustainable as possible.  Our online shop clothing products and 2023 crew hoodies are 100% organic cotton but this year we wanted to  the full crew attire to be more sustainable, also very smart too as appearance is very important.

Our mission over the Winter months was to find a clothing range that is more sustainable and can stand all weathers.  We wanted to stay local to buy our new look as this is more sustainable and with the help of our local company called ‘LHD Ltd’, we have successfully started a new partnership with them.  All the products we have ordered to fully kit us out for the season are made from a mix of organic cotton & recycled materials.  All products are also PFC-FREE, meaning they have no release of chemical compound that is harmful to our environment or health when worn or washed.  The company works with a particular supplier who has a mission to make their clothing products as sustainable as possible. We look forward to trialling their products and putting them to the test in our mix of Shetland weather. 

Any of our previous crew clothing will go to local clothing recycling bins and is collected by The Salvation Army for sorting and recycling, this in return supports a local charity. 

We are currently in the process of getting our logo applied by the LHD custom clothing shop, who do a fantastic job, and once our tours start into April, we will be able to do a little promotion for them with us wearing our new range and the stunning Noss cliffs as a backdrop.  Until such time, here’s the 100% organic cotton range we have for sale on our online shop which is beautifully modelled by Laurie Goodlad Pottinger who runs her own business called ‘Shetland With Laurie’.  Also modelling is her cute wee Daughter.  Laurie is also one of our relief crew members and will be standing in for Marie when we head to Blackpool in May to attend the UK finals of the Small Business Federation Awards.    

When coming to Shetland do plan ahead, we all hope this is going to be a good Summer after it being such a bad Winter.  For anyone that has been on holiday to Shetland in the past, you will know that we can get very mixed weather…sometimes 4 seasons within the space of an hour.  Our advice is to pack a good mix and do bring a warm jacket along with a lighter one, we always recommend waterproof clothing for our tours.  If you do forget to pack anything then worry not as we can 100% recommend LHD Ltd located on Commercial Street in Lerwick, just a short walk from where our tours depart from on Victoria Pier.  They provide everything from waterproof trousers, jackets, hats, hoodies/jumpers, gloves, scarfs,warm cozy socks, footwear and much more.       

Even if you have plenty of layers on and are still not warm enough…fear not as we have the added convenience of our indoor, heated cabin.  There you will find further seating, enough for all 12 passengers with viewing windows all around so that you don’t miss a thing.  Our friendly skipper will keep you entertained and as another added bonus, if our dedicated guide, Marie, is out on deck doing her ‘live’ commentary, you will still hear everything being said as you have your own individual headset, and of course the warmth inside the cabin.

Shop Local where you can – we have provided a link to the LHD Ltd online shop which advertises some of the clothing you will find but not their full range.  Their shop on Commercial Street is extremely well stocked for all your outdoor clothing needs and reasonably priced:


Seabirds-and-Seals - The Original Noss Boat Tours

The Noss Boat Team Signs Up For…Da Voar Redd Up – 22.03.2024

From Saturday 30th April – Friday 26th April 2024

Da Voar Redd Up is one of Shetland’s award winning clean ups, the UK’s most successful community litter-picking event, with around 4,500 (20% of Shetland’s population) volunteering each year.  The Redd up is organized by ‘Shetland Amenity Trust’ and the event makes a huge contribution to the protection of Shetland’s natural environment and wildlife, clearing Shetland’s beaches, coastlines and roadsides of litter and the debris washed up by winter storms.

Shetland born and bred, we are passionate about protecting our natural environment and wildlife and have been contributing to this annual beach clean up from a very young age.  As a business, we sign up for this event every year as team, below is a photo from last year when Marvyn & Marie took part with Brian (behind the camera).  The local saying for not to throw rubbish is “dunna chuck bruck”.  

It’s very easy to get involved, you can sign up by clicking on the link below.

When you register, you will be provided with Redd Up bags. These identify Redd Up rubbish, making it easier for the trust to record it.

Registering allows you to choose a Redd Up location and allows the trust to make sure that different groups are not cleaning the same places. This not only means that more of Shetland gets cleaned, but also gives them a more accurate record the amount of litter that has been collected.

During registration, you will be able to specify a roadside collection point for all of your bags. Redd Up rubbish can only be picked up from these locations

What happens after registration?

After you have registered, Shetland Amenity Trust will prepare your bags for you and let you know when and where they can be picked up. Unfortunately, they are not able to provide gloves. If your chosen location is unavailable, they will get in touch to discuss alternative options.

If you do take part, be sure to share your Redd Up photos on instagram and facebook using #dunnachuckbruck and #dvru2024, or email any Redd Up photos you’d be willing for the trust to share to with your group name, location and any other details or interesting finds! 



Seabirds-and-Seals - The Original Noss Boat Tours

Seabirds-and-Seals – Listed On Euan’s Guide – Award-Winning Disabled Access Charity – 20.03.2024

Seabirds-and-Seals –
The Original Noss Boat Tours

Welcomes Reviews On Euan’s Guide
Disabled Access Review Website

We are now listed on Euan’s Guide as a visitor attraction to let users of Euan’s Guide know that we are an accessible boat tour attraction in the Shetland Islands.  Following your tour with us we welcome any reviews OR if you have been on our tour in the past and appreciated our inclusive approach – please do leave us a review, this will help others to access our spectacular tour.  We explain further about Euan’s Guide and full details on how to leave a review on Euan’s Guide website. 

Our business takes an all inclusive approach to Tourism as we believe in ‘Inclusion For all’.  We adapted our catamaran Seabird to access wheelchairs.  We have also made many other adaptions to cater for a range of accessibility & mobility needs.  We have a dedicated website page which covers the range of services we provide, from wheelchair access to hearing impairment and much more – click here to access our Accessible & Inclusive Tourism page.  There you will also find the local partnerships we have, one in particular assists with accessing wheelchairs or any other mobility aids to enable customers to enjoy our tour to the max.  

We provide a high standard of customer care and by listening to our many customers through end of tour feedback, reviews and other methods of communication, we have put changes in places to make our tours ‘Inclusive For All’.   

How Euan’s Guide Began

Euan’s Guide is the award-winning disabled access charity. They are best known for, the disabled access review website. They also make tens of thousands of accessible toilets safer, run the UK’s largest Access Survey and lots more!

The charity was founded in 2013 by Euan MacDonald MBE, a powerchair user, and his sister Kiki after Euan was diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease. They discovered how the lack of disabled access information made everyday experiences stressful and Euan’s Guide was born after discovering that other disabled people experienced the same challenges.

They are a small but mighty charity and always keen to hear from the community. 

About is the disabled access review website where disabled people, their families, friends and carers can find and share the accessibility of venues around the UK and beyond. The website shares thousands of experiences and is the go-to tool for many disabled people.

They believe in making the world more accessible one review at a time. Thousands of people use Euan’s Guide every month to find and share disabled access information. They often get told that just one review from someone with similar access requirements can give someone else enough confidence to visit somewhere new. Euan’s Guide is opening doors for disabled people to find great places to go. By breaking down barriers of exclusion, it gives everyone the freedom to explore.

Who is Euan?

An adventurer, rugby fan and whisky enthusiast, Euan MacDonald MBE co-founded Euan’s Guide with his sister Kiki in 2013. After his Motor Neuron Disease (MND) diagnosis in 2003, Euan moved from London back to Edinburgh to be with his family and fundraise for MND research. In 2006, Euan and his father Donald established the Euan MacDonald Centre for MND Research, and helped to set up the Voicebank Project, which is today known as Speak:Unique.

Ten years after his diagnosis, Euan’s Guide was launched by Euan and his sister Kiki as a place for disabled people, their families, friends and carers to share their knowledge of accessible places to go. The award-winning charity is based in Scotland and used by disabled people all over the UK and beyond.

Euan and Kiki work in the Old Town of Edinburgh alongside their team: a friendly bunch who are passionate about accessibility.

How To Leave Us A Review On Euan’s Guide
Create an account

The first thing you’ll need to do is sign up to Euan’s Guide. To start, press the ‘Login / Signup’ button in the top right hand corner of the website. You’ll then be given the option to enter your email address and password if you already have a login or you can press ‘Join Euan’s Guide’ on the left to create a login.

Screenshot below of the Login/Signup webpage.

Image showing the login webpage with an arrow showing where to click to create a new account.

You will then be asked to create an account, this simply means:

  • Choosing a username
  • Entering your email address
  • Choosing a password (which has between 7 and 25 characters)
  • Agreeing to their terms and conditions

Screenshot below of the registration webpage.

Image of the Euan's Guide registration page.

You will then receive an email from Euan’s Guide which will contain a link to follow to complete the process and activate your account. 

Start your review!

Once you are logged in on their website, click ‘Write a Review’ in the top right hand corner, or click ‘Start your review!’ below the search boxes on their homepage.

Screenshot below of Euan’s Guide homepage.

Image of the Euan's Guide homepage with arrows showing two places you can click to start a new review.

This will take you to the Euan’s Guide review form. The form has various sections to fill in and will guide you through each step of the way. Try to share as much detail about disabled access as possible, and check out their guide to writing a good review.

Screenshot below of the review form.

Image of the online review form.

As well as an overall rating, you are asked to give separate ratings (out of 5-stars) for the parking and transport options, disabled access, accessible toilets and staff. People often find it helpful when reviews have more details about each of these elements written under the relevant headings. Simply click ‘Add more details…’ to give people more information and more is better and most helpful.

Screenshot below of the ratings of the review form.

Image of the ratings section of the online review form.

You will also be invited to share whether your visit included someone who uses or has experience of: Wheelchair / Powerchair / Mobility Scooter / Walking Aid / Symbol Cane / Long Cane / Assistance Dog: Visual Impairment / Assistance Dog – Other /Sign Language / Hearing Aid or Cochlear Implant / AAC / Hidden Impairment / Speech Impairment / PMLD / Autism / Dementia / Learning Disability

Add photos

Your review is nearly complete! Once you have finished filling out your comments, you will have the opportunity to submit any photos that you would like to include with your review. Their most popular reviews always have pictures!

Screenshot below of the media section of the review form.

Image showing the section of the review form where images can be uploaded and you can add links to video or audio files.

This is where you will also get the chance to upload a video or audio element to your review. This could be footage of a cool access feature in action, or even you telling your review rather than writing it!

Once happy with your finished review, just click on Submit a review now

Seabirds-and-Seals - The Original Noss Boat Tours

Federation Small Business Scotland – Small Business Focus – 18.03.2024

Federation Of Small Business Scotland
Small Business Focus
Published By Press & Journal: Highlands & Islands

Shines Spotlight On

Seabirds-and-Seals – The Original Noss Boat Tours


Every Monday Federation Small Business Scotland, ask small businesses key questions.  This week they gave us the spotlight to shine in the Press & Journal for the Highlands & Islands region.  You can read more on the article here but if for any reason you cannot gain access, we have shared a jpg version below which you can hopefully zoom into.    

We are very grateful for the advice and support we receive from Federation of Small Businesses (FSB).  We were delighted to hear at end of February 2024 that we have been awarded ‘Service Excellence’ Winners for Scotland by FSB Scotland, Celebrating Small Business Awards.  We now go onto the UK National finals to be held in Blackpool in May.

Later on in March, we have been invited to Bute House in Edinburgh to collect our fabulous award – leading the way into 2024.  


Seabirds-and-Seals - The Original Noss Boat Tours

Seabirds-and-Seals – Proudly Sponsors Shetland Folk Festival – 18.03.2024


We are delighted once again this year to be supporting our local Shetland Folk Festival which is into it’s 42nd year.  The festival this year takes place from 2nd to 5th May.  This is a big event on the Shetland calendar of events bringing artists and visitors to the island from all over the world.  We also have many local artists participating and it is an event very well supported by all communities throughout Shetland.

As sponsors we have our business logo advertised on publications and we are listed as a business collaboration on their website.

For any visitors planning to visit Shetland for the Folk Festival or happen to be here on holiday at the same time, we thought we would do this blog to share details on how you can obtain tickets and tell you more about the event.  Also if you are looking for inspiration on things to do, we will be running our Noss Boat Tours – just click on ‘Book Now’ to check availability and you can book/pay online.  

If you would like to find out more about our fabulous Shetland Folk Festival, just click here.  


Early members ticket sales go live at 6pm on Monday 18th March – see details below.  

When you visit the site to buy your tickets at 6pm on Monday 18th, you’ll automatically be placed in the queue. To keep you entertained while you are waiting, they have added some videos from their visiting artistes to the queue page.  This year’s concert programme summary will also be available to view. You don’t need to do anything else – when it is your turn to access the booking system, you’ll be automatically redirected to the booking page, and will be able to purchase your tickets.

To manage website traffic they will also be opening the “pre-queue” 15 minutes before the ticket sales open. This means you can visit the link below after 5:45pm on Monday to automatically join the “pre-queue”:


Joining the pre-queue before ticket sales open at 6pm doesn’t guarantee a position in the queue – all users in the pre-queue at 6pm will be placed in the queue at random. This means that there’s no difference between joining at 5:45pm or joining at 5:59pm.

Ticket sales then open again on Monday 25th March for members and non-members. 

If you are attending – we hope you have a fabulous festival.  


Seabirds-and-Seals - The Original Noss Boat Tours

The Noss Boat…Wins ‘Service Excellence Award’ – 12.03.2024


Winner Of
‘Service Excellence’ Award 2024 in Scotland
by the FSB – Federation Of Small Business

We are delighted to add another award to our growing list of accolades, we are going to need a bigger cabinet.  Towards the end of February we received the news that we had been named winners of the ‘Service Excellence’ 2024 for Scotland by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) Scotland. 

As stated by FSB “This award is in recognition of Seabirds-and-Seals ongoing commitment to going above and beyond, plus their fantastic dedication in putting their customers first – very well deserved”.

We are delighted also to hear that as winners for Scotland wide, we now to forward to the UK finals, to be held on 9th May at Blackpool’s Winter Gardens.  

Upon taking the business over seven years ago, we focused very much on making the business as accessible & inclusive as possible.

A qualified senior level social care worker, Marie is very much committed to inclusion and that tours should be for everyone.

Amongst many other things, we have invested in making our boat wheelchair accessible by adding a flat, obstruction-free boarding platform to accommodate all levels and abilities, and we have also given their crew additional training.  Our team is made up of enthusiasts passionate about local wildlife, geology, history and heritage, we love sharing it all with our customers, ensuring they leave Shetland happy, relaxed and committed to returning.


We believe that having improved accessibility appeals to a wide range of visitors and we want to make our customers tour a ‘holiday highlight’ by making it accessible and enjoyable throughout.  By listening to our customers and having more awareness about the inclusive tourism market, we have worked hard and implemented changes to make our tours open and enjoyable for all.  It’s not only about being ‘wheelchair accessible’ – we have implemented many other changes which you can view by clicking on the link below.  We believe all that we offers makes us accessible & inclusive for all as we respect ‘inclusion for all’.  

This recent accolade is not the only award we have won in recognition of our very high standard of customer care and inclusiveness.  In 2023 we had a double win at the Highlands and Islands Thistle Awards for ‘Inclusive Tourism’ and ‘Best Visitor Attraction’.  We are both absolutely delighted to be recognised by both FSB and HITA in this way as well as our other fabulous accolades to make us Shetland’s NO.1 boat tour/wildlife experience.   

FSB Highlands & Islands development manager David Richardson said: “I met Brian and Marie in Lerwick in November and was instantly drawn to their warm and welcoming natures and their passion for their business.

“I’m absolutely delighted – but not surprised – to see them win our service excellence award.”

Thank you to our many customers – both local and visitors alike, local community, our various partnership networks, social media followers, family and friends for making us a top Shetland visitor attraction and for all your continued support.

We are looking forward to our 2024 season and shaping up to be a very busy one – thanks again.

Marie, Brian & From All The Noss Boat Team.

Seabirds-and-Seals - The Original Noss Boat Tours

Geopark Shetland Partnership – 12.03.2024

The Noss Boat

Shetland Unesco
Global Geopark Partner

We are proud to continue as partners of Geopark Shetland which is managed by Shetland Amenity Trust and we look forward to our journey with them for many more years to come.  We 100% respect the landscape and nature of Shetland, carrying out activities on a yearly basis which protect, improve and promote our environment.  

We show our commitment by providing engaging ‘live’ commentary on the striking geology as we navigate around the island of Bressay & Noss National Nature Reserve, as well as geological points of interest to be found around Lerwick’s beautiful harbour.  We share our knowledge with great passion and enthusiasm which is always commented on as a fabulous touch to our tours, at end of tour feedback and from our many fantastic Trip Advisor reviews.  We also share our geology knowledge further afield as we host a display of geology leaflets in our expertly curated library which can be found inside our saloon area and always well stocked, so please do help yourself.  As always we are happy to point you in the right direction to further explore Shetland’s diverse geology.  

The islands of Shetland have been on an incredible geological journey. This land has travelled from near the South Pole, across the equator, to its current spot at the crossroads of the North Atlantic and the North Sea.

Due to the lack of trees and the abundance of stone, Shetland has some of the best-preserved archaeology in Europe.

The geology of the islands influences every part of life – they provide a home for unique biodiversity and they influence human settlements, their activities, and their industries.

What is a UNESCO Global Geopark?

UNESCO Global Geoparks are single, unified geographical areas where sites and landscapes of international geological significance are managed with a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development. A UNESCO Global Geopark uses its geological heritage, in connection with all other aspects of the area’s natural and cultural heritage, to enhance awareness and understanding of key issues facing society, such as using our earth’s resources sustainably, mitigating the effects of climate change and reducing natural hazard-related risks.

By raising awareness of the importance of the area’s geological heritage in history and society today, UNESCO Global Geoparks give local people a sense of pride in their region and strengthen their identification with the area. The creation of innovative local enterprises, new jobs and high-quality training courses is stimulated as new sources of revenue are generated through geotourism, while the geological resources of the area are protected.


Tourism: Geoparks are places of thriving responsible tourism and development, where people live and work. They act as catalysts for community enterprise, innovation and business for the benefit of everyone.

Conservation: UNESCO Global Geopark status does not offer statutory protection and places no restrictions on development or on farming practices. Instead, UNESCO Global Geoparks work in conjunction with existing designations to promote the protection of our local environment.

Education: Geoparks are outdoor classrooms and living laboratories, where the stunning landscapes inspire learning and discovery, contributing to environmental education that helps deepen our understanding of the world around us.

Seabirds-and-Seals - The Original Noss Boat Tours

Green Tourism Gold Award…Leading The Way Into 2024 – 07.03.2024




The 2024 season is getting off to a fantastic start…from ‘Service Excellence’ to Green Tourism ‘Gold Awards’.  We are over the moon to receive such awards alongside our Visit Scotland Prestigious 5-Star Accolade as well as our double Highlands and Islands Thistle Awards  2023 for ‘Best Visitor Attraction’ & ‘Inclusive Tourism’.  We are proud to be promoting Shetland’s Tourism sector and will continue to keep doing what we do best.  We are currently working on another new addition to the business which we hope to announce soon. 

We were last assessed by Green Tourism in early 2023 when we were delighted to be awarded ‘Silver’.  We have worked hard over this past year on our sustainability practices with an aim to achieve ‘Gold’ and delighted to say we have achieved the highest standard of sustainability.  This award is in recognition of our solid commitment to sustainability, we have evidenced that we have a strong and broad environmental ethos by providing excellent examples of best practices.  This is a very important journey for us on becoming a more sustainable tourism business. 

Green Tourism is a world-leading sustainability accreditation partner, they recognise and support eco-friendly achievements of tourism businesses with their internationally respected accreditation programme.   Achieving a Green Tourism award means that our sustainability practices have been assessed and verified by a credible partner.  Green Tourism has assessed our business against 15 sustainability criteria grouped under the pillars of People, Places and Planet.

Green Tourism Bronze/Silver/Gold awards are acknowledge worldwide as an indicator of good environmentally-friendly practice, and are a great way of progressing on a green journey as well as acting as a hallmark of ‘green quality’, attracting custom from increasing numbers of eco-minded visitors.

Overall Feedback From Green Tourism

“Seabirds and Seals have done an excellent job in achieving Gold following on from their Second GreenCheck assessment. They have displayed excellent understanding of sustainability and awareness of opportunities and challenges associated with running a responsible business. The team have shown great commitment and are embracing sustainability throughout the business, as evidenced by the several examples of green best practice within the business. The areas they are strong in are Community, Health and Wellbeing, and Destination. The key are of focus going forward should be on Carbon. I have added some applicable actions to the action plan. Overall, Seabirds and Seals have shown an amazing commitment to green issues and are obviously eager to do as much as possible to be sustainable and not only reduce their impact on but also improve the environment around them”.

Moving forward, Marie Leask, our Sustainable Tourism Advocate, will monitor our sustainable performance and advise the business on how we can implement further improvements.    

Thank you so much to all at Green Tourism – we really value your input and all the support given by the extremely friendly team to help us through the assessment process. 

We are supported in our sustainability practices, and in our improvement journey by the world-leading sustainability accreditation partner, Green Tourism. Achieving a Green Tourism award means that our sustainability practices have been assessed and verified by a credible partner. It shows that we have an ongoing commitment:

• to sustainability standards and practices
• to work responsibly, ethically, and sustainably
• to contribute to our community
• to reduce our impact on the environment, and
• to be accessible and inclusive to all visitors and staff.

Green Tourism has assessed our business against 15 sustainability criteria grouped under the pillars of People, Places and Planet. These consider the social, economic, and environmental actions we undertake, providing a holistic assessment of our sustainability performance.

Our Main highlights

We were assessed and rated by Green Tourism’s Technical Team, who are trained to IMEA standards.  Green Tourism also helped us to highlight our areas of sustainability strength.

At our last assessment our sustainability highlights included: a 97% score in Community for our strong commitment to support vibrant local communities. 

Our second highlight was to achieve 97% in Health & Well-being for our very strong performance in all areas of protecting and supporting staff and customer health and wellbeing. 

Our third highlight was to achieve 95% in Destination for excellent promotion of our destination area and how to enjoy it. 

Other highlights include:

Experiences  for our outstanding knowledge of local area and how to enjoy it responsibly.

Equality, Diversity, & Inclusivity  for our excellent commitment to ensuring we are welcoming and accessible to all.

Communication – for great examples of how to use our green story and policies along with social media to highlight our commitment to sustainability.

We’re so proud to have achieved these excellent scores under the Green Tourism pillar of People / Places / Planet which are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

What Do The Green Tourism Gradings Mean?

Green Tourism provides an overall grading of Gold, Silver, or Bronze depending on the overall score achieved across the comprehensive criteria.


Typically, an entry-level business, who are in the early stages of its green journey but has shown great commitment to making its business work more sustainably and is currently implementing a range of measures related to the 15 goals across all three pillars of People, Places and Planet.


Typically, a business that falls under this category can demonstrate good practice across our three pillars of People, Places and Planet, but has an action plan of best practice improvements that will enhance the sustainability practices within the business. 


A business that achieves the highest standards of sustainability has a strong and broad environmental ethos and can provide excellent examples of best practice throughout the majority of the three pillars of People, Places and Planet. It has made significant changes to its working practices and continues to review and maintain them.

Of those businesses in the tourism and hospitality industry that put themselves forward for Green Tourism’s third-party verification, around one-third achieve bronze, one-third silver, and one-third bronze. Our grading at the last assessment early 2023 was Silver.

Our Next Assessment

Our next assessment will take place early 2025 when we aim to achieve a Green Tourism Gold award again.